Frequently Asked Questions

What is A Marketing Delivery System?

Marketing Delivery is a process that involves conveying marketing information to a receiver through a media channel. The process is typically managed using a DAM platform designed to house digital assets related to marketing.

For more information, see: What is A Marketing Delivery System?

What Are The Benefits of Combining DAM and PIM into One Platform?

Marketing Delivery combines DAM and PIM systems into a single source of truth and allows for easier access for all stakeholders and collaborators, leading to a more effective marketing management process. 

For more information, see: The Benefits of Combining DAM and PIM into One System

Why Do E-Commerce Companies Need DAM + PIM?

Using both DAM and PIM for e-commerce brands is crucial to help you maintain consistent branding and accurate product information across sales channels. But juggling information between these two types of platforms can be cumbersome, which is where Image Relay comes in.

Image Relay’s Marketing Delivery combines DAM and PIM functionality into one easy-to-use Marketing Delivery platform. This comprehensive platform has brought together all of the strengths of DAM and PIM while eliminating the inefficiencies and potential errors that arise from using them separately.

Read more here, DAM and PIM for E-Commerce Companies 

DAM vs. PIM: What's The Difference?

When your company exists within the realm of e-commerce, retail, or a similar industry, you'll likely come across the terms "digital asset management" (DAM) and "product information management" (PIM) quite often. Both types of systems are tools used to organize the wealth of data associated with marketing your products through various channels to your target markets. But what sets these systems apart?

For more information, see: What is A Marketing Delivery System?

Or, PIM and DAM Systems Compared

Why Use a DAM + PIM Platform?

DAM is important because it makes it easier to store, organize, and share assets like photos, graphics, and videos. The benefits of using a DAM platform include:

  • Increased efficiency and productivity
  • Improved control and security of your assets
  • Simplified collaboration between team members

PIM platforms are designed to help companies organize product data, such as item descriptions, SKUs, warranty information, and pricing. The benefits of a PIM platform include:

  • A single source of truth for correct product information
  • Consistent branding across all channels
  • Improved productivity and efficiency

Learn why they make life easier when they're in one unified system here: Why Use A DAM + PIM System

What is Digital Asset Management?

Digital Asset Management (or DAM) is software that allows companies and organizations to store, organize, access, and distribute digital content, including documents, images, videos, audio files, and other rich media. A key differentiator between digital asset management (DAM) and other file storage options is the ability to add and associate various kinds of metadata to provide contextual information about the digital content to make retrieval, analysis, and use of the content more effective.

What that really means is that digital asset management is the way you win back your time. It helps eliminate bothersome file requests, ends fruitless searching for content, centralizes content so it’s not all over the place, gives access to the right content for the right people when they need it, and replaces broken tools for sharing content.

Need more basic info? Get back to basics and learn about what a digital asset is here

Or, are you interested in the specifics of a DAM platform? Read about that here

What is Product Information Management?

PIM software is designed to help businesses organize and distribute large amounts of detailed product information across numerous platforms and channels. These systems can store and organize information, improve data quality, create a consistent source of information, and even streamline a product's launch. PIM systems can also integrate with other software and platforms, like customer relationship management (CRM), digital asset management (DAM), and enterprise resource management (ERP) systems, for a more efficient work process.


Read more about Product Information Management Systems here

DAM vs. MAM: What Is Marketing Asset Management?

Marketing asset management (MAM) and digital asset management (DAM) are often used interchangeably, and it's easy to see why. Both MAM and DAM platforms are designed to help professionals manage data related to marketing. But they do have a few differences that set them apart.

For more information, see DAM vs. MAM: What Is Marketing Asset Management?

Who Uses Digital Asset Management Software?

Lots of people! Digital asset management is useful for marketers, designers, photographers, other creatives, event managers, sales people, retailers, product managers, distributors, human resources managers, and many others. If your organization has a lot of content, digital asset management can make a big difference saving your team time and headaches.

Companies and organizations in almost any industry can use digital asset management but it is especially common in consumer packaged goods (CPG), cosmetics, food & beverage, agencies, fashion and apparel, non-profits, colleges and universities, museums, hotels and resorts, municipal organizations, sports, health care, software, furniture, etc. You get the picture.

What is the Best Cloud-Based Digital Asset Management Software?

Cloud-based DAM is the process of storing, organizing, and sharing a company's digital assets through an online platform. Digital asset management in the cloud differs from older DAM systems in that it's hosted on remote servers. This means that you'll be able to access your files from anywhere with an Internet connection, making it easier to find and share the assets you need at a moment's notice.

Read more here: The Best Cloud-Based Digital Asset Management Software 

What is Metadata?

Metadata, simply put, is data about data. It’s information that describes another piece of information, such as a book, photograph, or webpage, and makes it easier to find. It helps researchers in libraries find relevant information, useful resources, or local information. In terms of digital marketing and digital asset management – metadata allows people to organize and display content, allowing for easier reuse.

Metadata makes information findable not just by humans, but by machines as well. In many cases, the metadata is as important as the asset itself. Without it, files could be lost forever. And without metadata describing things like usage rights and creator information, an asset can lose its value over time.

Who Are Some of Image Relay's Customers?

Image Relay has customers in more than 80 industries. Most of our early customers are still with us today after more than 10 years of service. Some of the companies and organizations that use Image Relay include Ben & Jerry’s, Cabot Creamery, Darn Tough, Citrix, Middlebury College, Tuck (Dartmouth) School of Business, Cox Automotive, Snowbird, Killington, Isuzu, O’Neill, The MacArthur Foundation, Dietz & Watson, Penske, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, Jacuzzi, Seiko, and many others.

Learn more about our Customer's Stories 

What is a B Corp?

Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Corps are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

Learn more on our About Us page.

Why Did Image Relay Become a B Corp?

We were not happy with how most businesses are run, especially software companies. Most are only focused on creating shareholder value and that means making decisions that often run against values about how to treat customers, how to treat employees, how to treat the environment, and how to treat our communities. We see it every day with news of companies doing activities and supporting work that most people know is immoral. The money isn’t worth it for us to do things like that. We knew business can be better and we wanted to set an example.

To become a B Corp we passed the B Impact Assessment, which evaluates a company’s environmental impact, financial transparency, worker compensation, and many other attributes. The assessment is structured in four sections (governance, workers, community, and environment) and is audited by the nonprofit B Lab. We also met the legal requirements for B Corp certification, which allows Image Relay to act in the interest of all stakeholders (e.g., the planet)—not just the shareholders.

What is a good DAM and PIM for Apparel Brands?

Marketing Delivery offers everything an apparel brand needs to keep its digital assets in line and product information organized. Learn more here

Is There a Combined DAM and PIM Platform for Retail Brands?

Yes, and it's called Marketing Delivery. Stop wasting time trying to find what you need to market your products. With Marketing Delivery, you'll have the best of both DAM and PIM for retail companies in one platform. Learn more here

Is There an All-In-One PIM and DAM for Health and Beauty Brands?

Yes, and it's called Marketing Delivery. Stop wasting time trying to find what you need to market your products. With Marketing Delivery, you'll have the best of both DAM and PIM for retail companies in one platform. Learn more here

Is There a Guide to Digital Asset Management Software?

If you're looking for an explanation of what digital asset management is, and who can benefit from it, read all about it here

What Are Best Practices For Managing Digital Assets and Product Info?

Find a full explanation of management best practices here

Is Image Relay Considered a Brand Asset Management Solution?

Although Image Relay typically falls into the "DAM" and "PIM" categories certain features allow the platform to work well for brand asset management. Read more here

Does Image Relay Connect to Shopify?

Image Relay recognized the need for seamless integration of Marketing Delivery and Shopify and introduced a specially designed integration. Read more about the details of this connection here and here

Is There A Combined DAM & PIM For Tourism & Hospitality Brands?

Image Relay counts many tourism & hospitality brands as long-time clients. Read more about how Image Relay's Marketing Delivery platform can boost any tourism & hospitality company's day-to-day operations here

Does Image Relay Work Well For Food & Beverage Brands?

Some of Image Relay's longest-standing clients (well over a decade!) are food and beverage brands. Read more about how Image Relay specifically supports food & bev brands here

What Other Platforms Does Image Relay Integrate With?

Image Relay integrates smoothly with a host of other platforms to make managing products and digital assets as efficient as possible. See the full list here

Does Marketing Delivery Work For CPG Brands?

Image Relay counts many CPG brands as customers. Read about the details of how the Marketing Delivery system supports CPG brands here

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Experience The Power of Marketing Delivery!

Marketing Delivery is purpose-built to streamline workflow and assure brand consistency from a secure, all-in-one platform. Explore PIM and DAM system plans or schedule a demo to see it for yourself.